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PCD: Current State of Horror
In this Popular Culture Dialogue, the panelists discuss the Current State of Horror in popular culture.
The discussion includes recognition of common themes in contemporary horror, such as an acceptance of evil winning and the unruliness of the modern horror genre. The conversation also considers horror from around the world, with consideration for the universality of horror and the connections it has with people's lives. Indeed, these connections are also considered for how horror presents social commentary, as well as how fictional horror compares to the real-world horror of the world.
Many thanks to Christopher Olson, Christine Tomlinson, Princess O'Nika Auguste, and Colette Balmain for this great discussion about how the existential horror of living becomes the fictions in film, television, video games, and more.
Join the conversation here and on Twitter @ThePCSJ.
The discussion includes recognition of common themes in contemporary horror, such as an acceptance of evil winning and the unruliness of the modern horror genre. The conversation also considers horror from around the world, with consideration for the universality of horror and the connections it has with people's lives. Indeed, these connections are also considered for how horror presents social commentary, as well as how fictional horror compares to the real-world horror of the world.
Many thanks to Christopher Olson, Christine Tomlinson, Princess O'Nika Auguste, and Colette Balmain for this great discussion about how the existential horror of living becomes the fictions in film, television, video games, and more.
Join the conversation here and on Twitter @ThePCSJ.

030: Caribbean Spirituality with Princess O’Nika Auguste
Today in the hot seat I’ve got the illustrious Princess O’Nika Auguste. She is a Saint-Lucian feminist writer, theologian, and a historian. She has degrees in literature, history, and religion. She also has certification in public history, ancient history, medieval history, and medieval religion Her research focuses are gender, violence, sexuality, and slavery in sacred texts and in historical contexts. Princess’ work has been featured on Pop Culture and Theology, Christian Feminism Today, LAPP Brand Magazine, and Intersect Antigua. She is a frequent contributor to the Popular Culture Dialogue Series on YouTube. Princess gives us an overview of the present and past spiritual scene of the Caribbean Islands and how her own spiritual path has evolved in recent years.
SUPPORT: You can support Princess and the work she does and content she creates in several ways. You can become a member of her Patreon at, make a donation at ko-fi at, or purchase swag at her Zazzle store at
FOLLOW: You can find Princess online @isletheologian on Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, and YouTube or subscribe to her newsletter via Substack at
LISTEN: You can listen to the BadAss Women of History podcast on iTunes, Spotify, and most other popular pod streaming platforms.
SUPPORT: You can support Princess and the work she does and content she creates in several ways. You can become a member of her Patreon at, make a donation at ko-fi at, or purchase swag at her Zazzle store at
FOLLOW: You can find Princess online @isletheologian on Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, and YouTube or subscribe to her newsletter via Substack at
LISTEN: You can listen to the BadAss Women of History podcast on iTunes, Spotify, and most other popular pod streaming platforms.

Women's Rights in the Ancient World
"Women's Rights in the Ancient World" presented by Princess O'Nika Auguste at the History and Hitpoints Conference on Sunday, March 5th, 2023.
More about the speaker, Princess O'Nika Auguste M.Div, MTS (Writer, Theologian and Historian):
Suggestions for potential women as video game characters: Tomyris, Olympias, Artemisia I of Caria, Amanirenas
Bibliography / suggested readings :
[1] Stol, Marten. Women in the ancient Near East. de Gruyter, 2016.
[2] Lion, Brigitte, and Cécile Michel, eds. The role of women in work and society in the ancient Near East. Vol. 13. Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co KG, 2016.
[3] Troy, Beth M. "Legally bound: A study of women’s legal status in the ancient Near East." Ph.D. diss., Miami University, 2004.
[4] Persians are Not Arabs: Persian Women
[5] Frier, Bruce W., and Thomas AJ McGinn. A casebook on Roman family law. No. 5. Oxford University Press, 2003
[6] Rawson, Beryl, ed. The family in ancient Rome: new perspectives. Cornell University Press, 1987.
[7] Bryce, T., 2002. Life and society in the Hittite world. OUP Oxford.
[8] Evans-Grubbs, Judith. "The Age of Marriage in Ancient Rome." Mouseion: Journal of the Classical Association of Canada 7, no. 1 (2007): 67-71.
[9] Plumer, Hannah (October 2011). "Gender in Mesoamerica: Interpreting Gender Roles in Classic Maya Society". The Collegiate Journal of Anthropology
[10] The Lives of Ancient Celtic Women
Role of Women in Nubia
[11] Lohwasser, Angelika. "Queenship in Kush: Status, role, and ideology of royal women." Journal of the American Research Center in Egypt 38 (2001): 61-76.
[12] Women's rights in Ancient Egypt
[13] Women of Mesoamerica
[14] Gender and Religion: Gender and Mesoamerican Religions - Dictionary definition of Gender and Religion: Gender and Mesoamerican Religions | FREE online dictionary".
[15] Women in Ancient Persia Maria. "Women in ancient Persia (559-331 BC)." Oxford Classical Monographs (1996).
To cite this presentation:
| Chicago Style Citation [Footnote] |
Princess O'Nika Auguste. "Women's Rights in the Ancient World" [Audio visual presentation presented at the Hitpoints and History Conference, Gather.Town Virtual Platform, 5 March 2023] --
| Chicago Style Citation [Bibliography] |
Auguste O'Nika, Princess. "Women's Rights in the Ancient World" [Audio visual presentation presented at the Hitpoints and History Conference, Gather.Town Virtual Platform, 5 March 2023] --
More about the speaker, Princess O'Nika Auguste M.Div, MTS (Writer, Theologian and Historian):
Suggestions for potential women as video game characters: Tomyris, Olympias, Artemisia I of Caria, Amanirenas
Bibliography / suggested readings :
[1] Stol, Marten. Women in the ancient Near East. de Gruyter, 2016.
[2] Lion, Brigitte, and Cécile Michel, eds. The role of women in work and society in the ancient Near East. Vol. 13. Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co KG, 2016.
[3] Troy, Beth M. "Legally bound: A study of women’s legal status in the ancient Near East." Ph.D. diss., Miami University, 2004.
[4] Persians are Not Arabs: Persian Women
[5] Frier, Bruce W., and Thomas AJ McGinn. A casebook on Roman family law. No. 5. Oxford University Press, 2003
[6] Rawson, Beryl, ed. The family in ancient Rome: new perspectives. Cornell University Press, 1987.
[7] Bryce, T., 2002. Life and society in the Hittite world. OUP Oxford.
[8] Evans-Grubbs, Judith. "The Age of Marriage in Ancient Rome." Mouseion: Journal of the Classical Association of Canada 7, no. 1 (2007): 67-71.
[9] Plumer, Hannah (October 2011). "Gender in Mesoamerica: Interpreting Gender Roles in Classic Maya Society". The Collegiate Journal of Anthropology
[10] The Lives of Ancient Celtic Women
Role of Women in Nubia
[11] Lohwasser, Angelika. "Queenship in Kush: Status, role, and ideology of royal women." Journal of the American Research Center in Egypt 38 (2001): 61-76.
[12] Women's rights in Ancient Egypt
[13] Women of Mesoamerica
[14] Gender and Religion: Gender and Mesoamerican Religions - Dictionary definition of Gender and Religion: Gender and Mesoamerican Religions | FREE online dictionary".
[15] Women in Ancient Persia Maria. "Women in ancient Persia (559-331 BC)." Oxford Classical Monographs (1996).
To cite this presentation:
| Chicago Style Citation [Footnote] |
Princess O'Nika Auguste. "Women's Rights in the Ancient World" [Audio visual presentation presented at the Hitpoints and History Conference, Gather.Town Virtual Platform, 5 March 2023] --
| Chicago Style Citation [Bibliography] |
Auguste O'Nika, Princess. "Women's Rights in the Ancient World" [Audio visual presentation presented at the Hitpoints and History Conference, Gather.Town Virtual Platform, 5 March 2023] --
Women's Rights in the Ancient World
"Women's Rights in the Ancient World" presented by Princess O'Nika Auguste at the History and Hitpoints Conference on Sunday, March 5th, 2023.More about the ...
PCD: Traditions & Rituals in Popular Culture
For this Popular Culture Dialogue, we dive into the meaning of ritual, tradition, and religion with two history and religious studies scholars. In working to...

Tales from the Wandering Scribe Historian Interview: Historian Princess O'Nika Auguste
Hello, fellow History lovers. Welcome to another historian Interview. Today, my guest is a jack of all trades. She is a Theologian, Ancient Historian, Blogger, Writer, Editor, Biblical Scholar, and Researcher. In this episode, we discuss her podcast BadAss Women of History, and her latest episode, Cleopatra, hoping to add further context into who this mighty queen was and quell the Roman myths about her. A first-timer on the podcast, let us warmly welcome the Isle Theologian.
To follow her:
Instagram: @isletheologian and @badasswomenofhistorypre1700shistory
To follow her:
Instagram: @isletheologian and @badasswomenofhistorypre1700shistory
Bad Girls of the Bible and Caribbean Lore (With Princess O'Nika Auguste): The Show Notes
Check out Princess’s Patreon page and her Linktree to find out more about her work and writing!
Also, check out another episode we did with her about abortion in the ancient world.
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Also, check out another episode we did with her about abortion in the ancient world.
Ancient History Fangirl is a proud member of the Airwave Media podcast network.
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PCD: Mental Health in Popular Culture
This Popular Culture Dialogue focuses on the representation of mental health in popular culture. The panelists discuss positive and negative representations, as well as complicated ones, and consider the different reasons for such representations. The conversation focuses on capitalism as a reason for a lack of nuanced, communal experiences in mainstream popular culture, and consider how more niche communities, and the technologies they use, allow for such representations.
The panelists are:
Princess O'Nika Auguste is a St. Lucian millennial historian , writer, theologian, and cultural critic who writes on mythology, folklore, gender, violence, and pop culture. Twitter handle @isletheologian
Mars Nicolí (he/him) is a PhD student at Sheffield Hallam University, in England. He is currently researching transgender representation and viewership in horror. He is also interested in fan studies; his Master’s thesis focused on transmasculine fans and their perspective on male pregnancy tropes in fanfiction.
Catherine Duchastel de Montrouge, aka Cath (they/she) is a white, queer, and multiply disabled nonbinary person. Currently they work in the Canadian Public Service as a diversity, equity, inclusion belonging practitioner and an accessibility expert specializing in disability inclusion. They are focused on developing disability community and disability knowledges in institutional settings through that work. Cath has a masters in critical disability studies from York University, and is a recovering Science and Technology doctoral candidate. In their academic work Cath was focused on the contributions of disabled fans to fandom communities and fan cultures. Cath is passionate about disabled people, disability culture, and pop culture, and all the intersections and connections created between them. The special issue co-edited with Dean Leetal can be found at
The panelists are:
Princess O'Nika Auguste is a St. Lucian millennial historian , writer, theologian, and cultural critic who writes on mythology, folklore, gender, violence, and pop culture. Twitter handle @isletheologian
Mars Nicolí (he/him) is a PhD student at Sheffield Hallam University, in England. He is currently researching transgender representation and viewership in horror. He is also interested in fan studies; his Master’s thesis focused on transmasculine fans and their perspective on male pregnancy tropes in fanfiction.
Catherine Duchastel de Montrouge, aka Cath (they/she) is a white, queer, and multiply disabled nonbinary person. Currently they work in the Canadian Public Service as a diversity, equity, inclusion belonging practitioner and an accessibility expert specializing in disability inclusion. They are focused on developing disability community and disability knowledges in institutional settings through that work. Cath has a masters in critical disability studies from York University, and is a recovering Science and Technology doctoral candidate. In their academic work Cath was focused on the contributions of disabled fans to fandom communities and fan cultures. Cath is passionate about disabled people, disability culture, and pop culture, and all the intersections and connections created between them. The special issue co-edited with Dean Leetal can be found at

Amanirenas, Queen of Kush (with Princess O’Nika Auguste) - Vulgar History
This week’s guest is Princess O’Nika Auguste, a Saint-Lucian writer, theologian, historian, poet-critic, researcher, and digital content creator. She’s here to talk about Amanirenas, Queen of the Kingdom of Kush from c. 40 BCE to c. 10 BCE, and was a one-eyed Black woman who prevented the Romans from taking over most of the African continent.
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Popular Culture Dialogue: Cancel Culture
Perhaps the name of this Popular Culture Dialogue says it all: the panelists discuss cancel culture. The entire dialogue focuses on discussing the various definitions and uses of the term in popular culture to grapple with the nature of the phenomenon before tackling how it impacts popular culture.
The panelists are:
Princess O'Nika Auguste is a St. Lucian millennial historian , writer, theologian, and cultural critic who writes on mythology, folklore, gender, violence, and pop culture. Twitter handle @isletheologian
Adi Grady Ashkenazy, MA in political science, political theory TA at Tel Aviv University youth department, and public policy and gender researcher at Key Impact institute. @gradygging
Elyan Stenel completed a Master in English Studies at the Université de Paris Cité in 2021 and is currently preparing the agrégation, a teaching exam, and working on applications to Ph.d programs to continue his research. His research focus is queer and transgender identities viewed through the lens of popular culture and fandom.
Debbie Seacrest (they/them)
is a non-binary math professor in rural Montana who uses their lived experiences and those of friends and loved ones to advocate for marginalized groups. Professionally, they work primarily with students who have not been given the support they have needed to succeed previously. On a more personal level, they work to educate themself and others about groups that are commonly recognized as marginalized and other identities that may be discriminated against, whether consciously or unconsciously.They strive to work towards a world where all people are valued for who they are and given the chance to be their best selves.
The panelists are:
Princess O'Nika Auguste is a St. Lucian millennial historian , writer, theologian, and cultural critic who writes on mythology, folklore, gender, violence, and pop culture. Twitter handle @isletheologian
Adi Grady Ashkenazy, MA in political science, political theory TA at Tel Aviv University youth department, and public policy and gender researcher at Key Impact institute. @gradygging
Elyan Stenel completed a Master in English Studies at the Université de Paris Cité in 2021 and is currently preparing the agrégation, a teaching exam, and working on applications to Ph.d programs to continue his research. His research focus is queer and transgender identities viewed through the lens of popular culture and fandom.
Debbie Seacrest (they/them)
is a non-binary math professor in rural Montana who uses their lived experiences and those of friends and loved ones to advocate for marginalized groups. Professionally, they work primarily with students who have not been given the support they have needed to succeed previously. On a more personal level, they work to educate themself and others about groups that are commonly recognized as marginalized and other identities that may be discriminated against, whether consciously or unconsciously.They strive to work towards a world where all people are valued for who they are and given the chance to be their best selves.
Conversations:Black Achilles, African Queens & Whitewashing of Greek Myth w/ Princess O’Nika Auguste
Liv speaks with Caribbean scholar and writer Princess O'Nika Auguste all about the people of colour in Greek mythology, whitewashing of Greek myth and histor...
Abortion in the Ancient World (With Princess O'Nika Auguste)
Not only was abortion broadly legal in ancient Greece and Rome, but some of the methods used were surprisingly similar to today. And the Bible doesn’t mention it at all—except in one obscure passage, where it tells you how to administer one.
In this episode, we’re joined by feminist Biblical scholar and author Princess O’Nika Auguste to discuss the history of abortion in ancient Greece and Rome, as well as in Biblical times.
Get the show notes here.
In this episode, we’re joined by feminist Biblical scholar and author Princess O’Nika Auguste to discuss the history of abortion in ancient Greece and Rome, as well as in Biblical times.
Get the show notes here.

PCD: Parasocial Interaction and Shipping
What is the relationship between parasocial interaction and shipping? What are the reasons for such fan and audience actions, and what are the consequences?
Join Christine Tomlinson, Colleen Etman, Kelly King, and Princess O'Nika Auguste as they consider the intertwined nature of these concepts and how the concepts have manifested in their fandoms and scholarship. Along the way, the dialogue considers the antecedents and consequences for what happens when people form strong emotional bonds with real and fictional people they only know through the media.
Join the conversation here in comments and on Twitter with @The PCSJ.
Join Christine Tomlinson, Colleen Etman, Kelly King, and Princess O'Nika Auguste as they consider the intertwined nature of these concepts and how the concepts have manifested in their fandoms and scholarship. Along the way, the dialogue considers the antecedents and consequences for what happens when people form strong emotional bonds with real and fictional people they only know through the media.
Join the conversation here in comments and on Twitter with @The PCSJ.

Popular Culture Dialogue: Popular Horror
Halloween 31st has come to herald the spooky season in the United States and beyond. But just why is horror so popular?
In this conversation, learn from popular culture scholars and horror fans about the pleasures of horror as well as the universality and cultural specificity of horror tropes. They discuss various reasons we like horror, why horror works as it does, and even what the future of horror in popular culture could be.
Join Christine Tomlinson, Christopher Zysik, Princess O’Nika Nicky Auguste, Paul Bones and Joshua Grant-Young ponder the meaning of horror in popular cultures around the world.
Join the conversation here in comments and on Twitter with @The PCSJ.
In this conversation, learn from popular culture scholars and horror fans about the pleasures of horror as well as the universality and cultural specificity of horror tropes. They discuss various reasons we like horror, why horror works as it does, and even what the future of horror in popular culture could be.
Join Christine Tomlinson, Christopher Zysik, Princess O’Nika Nicky Auguste, Paul Bones and Joshua Grant-Young ponder the meaning of horror in popular cultures around the world.
Join the conversation here in comments and on Twitter with @The PCSJ.

Popular Culture Dialogue: Folklore and Popular Culture
This Popular Culture Dialogue continues the work to understand the convergences and divergences between two distinct academic disciplines: folklore studies and popular culture studies. The conversation explores how these different approaches to understanding communities relate to each other, as well as what each discipline could learn from the other.
Join Claudia Bucciferro, Christopher Zysik, Kristina Downs, Princess O’Nika Nicky Auguste, Jasmine Stork, Kristine Ketel, and Jared Lee Schmidt as they discuss their perspectives and approaches to this field of study.
Join Claudia Bucciferro, Christopher Zysik, Kristina Downs, Princess O’Nika Nicky Auguste, Jasmine Stork, Kristine Ketel, and Jared Lee Schmidt as they discuss their perspectives and approaches to this field of study.